
Giving ACHS Music a parental boost… and a big “thumbs-up”…

ACHS Wolf Pack Music

Parents supporting our AC Musicians and Guard

ACHSMusic.Org is the website for the ACHS Instrumental Music program. It is maintained by its parent leadership team, ACHS Wolf Pack Music. We support instrumental music and color guard through volunteering (more details on the volunteering page), through fundraising, and by supporting our ACHS Artistic Director with logistical and administrative activities.

Successfully supporting our students requires a modern approach to organizing and sharing responsibility and accountability. We all contribute and we contribute to the best of our abilities based on interest and availability. Because we are all in it together, we work in a consensus environment with a group of four to eight parent leaders who work together in an agile manner to coordinate services to our Artistic Director and our students. Delivering those services requires all parents to participate. There are lots of ways to contribute, from leading efforts to fit uniforms, cook food, set up pop-ups, build props, be chaperones, to driving trucks - for example. The volunteer page describes all the ways to contribute.

Many hands make for light work, and that’s our guiding principle. Volunteering is fun. It quickly becomes a great social group for the adults and we look forward to each event to enjoy not only our students’ performances but also each others’ company.

The Napa Unified School District receives all its funding from the State, and that’s not enough to cover what we want for our students. We have the only remaining competition Marching Band and only remaining Winter Percussion and Winter Guard programs in Napa County. The State provides little funding for instrument repairs. In short, to provide the experience we want for our students, we have to raise funds. We do that through three events each year: the Napa Valley Band Reserve, the Northern California Percussion Association American Canyon Show, and “Music in the Parks.”

These events require parents. No parents, no funds, no music program… Can’t stress that enough. The good news, is that we avoid small, annoying fundraising efforts (tired of hitting up your neighbors for cookie dough?) by focusing on three events. The rest of the good news is that they’re really enjoyable and create cherished lifelong memories.

More good news: we’re organized. We have a master plan that provides a template for each season’s activities. Our point is to take out the guesswork by learning, incorporating that learning, and then consistently improving.

In ACHSMusic.Org, you’ll find where you can support, have fun, and make lasting friends. Find out more about volunteer opportunities under the Parent tab and let us know how you can support us by going to: Volunteer Opportunities.
